Curated by Christopher Whipple and Maya Ben-Meir

In March 2020 the world shut down due to the Covid-19 pandemic, but our collective lives did not. We were then promptly laid off, contracted the virus, and went into deep quarantine in our 250 square foot studio apartment in Harlem, NYC. Rather than dwell on all the things we couldn’t do, we decided it was more beneficial to focus on the things we could do, and created a series of short videos on what it’s like to quarantine in such a tiny space.

Now recovered and armed with antibodies, we decided it was time to explore the things that everyday people ARE doing, as well as the choices people have made in their lives before the current global shift when they had the courage to say “Fuck it, yes!”. So, we bought a 39 year old Ford truck (who we’ve affectionately deemed ‘The Paradise Inn’ aka ‘Madame P’) which was converted by Coachman into a 20 foot camper, built a website, stocked up on masks and sanitizer, and hit the road to find your stories.

Want to know more? 👇

Our Mission

FKITYES shares the stories of everyday human bravery regardless of faith, race, gender, sexual orientation, or political beliefs to remind us all of our combined potential power, the value of our individuality, and that at the end of the day we are all in this together.

Want to help us on our journey? Become a Patreon Member!

“If life were predictable it would cease to be life, and be without flavor.”
— Eleanor Roosevelt

What we have accomplished

  • We started!

  • We drove up the coast of California to San Anselmo.

  • We found out Christopher’s mail-in ballot went astray and that Madame P has a small oil leak (that was unfortunately in the same place of a previously fixed oil leak.)

  • We promptly took a hard right turn (with approval by Jasper, the engine company) and crossed the USA on the I-80 to get to NY to vote in time.

  • We voted!

  • We left our beloved truck at the shop to fix the leak, thinking it would take 7-10 days to finish up.

  • We’re still in NY, waiting for Madame P to be finished at the shop.

  • Cross your fingers!